, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Joker City - Batman Arkham City All The Joker's Scenes and Ap

The Joker City - Batman Arkham City All The... by debunkerbuster


PROOF Jared Leto Could Still Be A GREAT JOKER!

Jared Leto The Best Joker? - Who Is Your Favorite? - Lets Talk!

I'm Batman 
I really liked Jared Leto's Joker! Heath Ledger's version was great but to me he seemed too politically motivated it was organized anarchy about tearing down the system. Whereas Jared's version seemed legitimately crazy, completely unpredictable to only thing consist was his amused shock about actually falling in love with Harley, great scene near the beginning of suicide squad too where there is this heavy set gangster who is terrified of Leto's joker was great. Everyone has a right to there opinion, but for me personally he was the best part of the movie especially his scenes with Harley. I think editing, villain choice and pace where the biggest issues with the movie. Peace

Film Theory: Batman's Three JOKER Theory (Suicide Squad)

SUICIDE SQUAD All Easter Eggs, Cameos & References

SUICIDE SQUAD Deleted Scenes & What Happened?

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ghostbusters Reboot: Sony Hits Back at Fan Backlash

OK, I was taking a moderate stance on this whole deal, but the things brought to light for me featured in the below video are just too much. I was aware of people attacking James Rolfe for his refusal to review the film. I'm a big fan of his and to me he is clearly a very nice guy and not a misogynist or a loser as alleged. What I wasn't aware of was the extreme level of vitriol that Rolfe had received and how a female contemporary of his with similar opinions was being ignored. I was aware of director Paul Feig calling out geek culture as being full of assholes. He was butt-hurt, I can forgive, but I wasn't aware of the officially sanctioned censorship from Sony of well-written criticisms, while leaving misogynistic comments intact. Nor was I aware of how the stars of the film were continuing to advance the false narrative that misogynistic losers were at the heart of the heavy criticism. I also wasn't aware of the extreme politicization going on for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. I'll still watch the film one day somehow, but I won't be paying for it in any way shape or form.

Documentary: American Revolution - 1776

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Pup Quiz with Ben Affleck

Jimmy and Ben Affleck face off in a trivia game where the winner of each round gets a puppy dressed up as a superhero to snuggle in honor of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.