, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: July 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ghostbusters Reboot: Sony Hits Back at Fan Backlash

OK, I was taking a moderate stance on this whole deal, but the things brought to light for me featured in the below video are just too much. I was aware of people attacking James Rolfe for his refusal to review the film. I'm a big fan of his and to me he is clearly a very nice guy and not a misogynist or a loser as alleged. What I wasn't aware of was the extreme level of vitriol that Rolfe had received and how a female contemporary of his with similar opinions was being ignored. I was aware of director Paul Feig calling out geek culture as being full of assholes. He was butt-hurt, I can forgive, but I wasn't aware of the officially sanctioned censorship from Sony of well-written criticisms, while leaving misogynistic comments intact. Nor was I aware of how the stars of the film were continuing to advance the false narrative that misogynistic losers were at the heart of the heavy criticism. I also wasn't aware of the extreme politicization going on for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. I'll still watch the film one day somehow, but I won't be paying for it in any way shape or form.

Documentary: American Revolution - 1776