, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: May 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Bird of Prey Erases and Ruins Iconic Gotham City - Birds of Prey Director ACCIDENTALLY ADMITS AGENDA that RUINED MOVIE in WORST PITCH EVER!

Bird of Prey Erases and Ruins Iconic Gotham City - Birds of Prey Director ACCIDENTALLY ADMITS AGENDA that RUINED MOVIE in WORST PITCH EVER!

Sam Kershaw
"I'm sick of seeing post-apocalyptic visions of Gotham, where everyone's homeless and being all sad." You mean a City where hardships are common place, apathy, poverty and crime is a way of life and the only way to survive? Leading to a City needing hero's. Batman wouldn't really work or be needed, if the sidewalks were clean, everyone lived and worked in a modern Utopia with everyone drinking Matcha oat milk latte's.

Friday, May 1, 2020