, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: Joe Biden jokes about the allegations against him in a very tasteless and flippant manner that is not only disturbing but mind-blowing. The man clearly doesn't want to be president. - Joe Biden Goes Insane, Invites Kids on Stage and Makes Sexual Misconduct Joke Gaffe

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Joe Biden jokes about the allegations against him in a very tasteless and flippant manner that is not only disturbing but mind-blowing. The man clearly doesn't want to be president. - Joe Biden Goes Insane, Invites Kids on Stage and Makes Sexual Misconduct Joke Gaffe

Joe Biden jokes about the allegations against him in a very tasteless and flippant manner that is not only disturbing but mind-blowing. The man clearly doesn't want to be president. - Joe Biden Goes Insane, Invites Kids on Stage and Makes Sexual Misconduct Joke Gaffe