, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: DC COMICS SLAMMED FOR DELETING BATMAN POSTER TO APPEASE COMMUNIST CHINA

Sunday, December 1, 2019


“Why don’t they focus on making comics and not getting involved in politics?”

DC Comics has come under fire for deleting a poster from social media after a backlash from China over what they believed to be an endorsement of the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
The comic book publisher removed a post on both their Twitter and Instagram accounts after users on Weibo, China’s state-run social media platform, complained that the image was supportive of the Hong Kong protesters.
The poster, which portrayed a black-clad Batman throwing a petrol bomb in front of the words “the future is young,” was part of a promotional campaign for the upcoming release of the Dark Knight: The Golden Child. 
“Why don’t they focus on making comics and not getting involved in politics? Be careful not to burn yourself,” one Weibo user wrote.
Batman publisher is latest to hurt the Chinese people's feelings after depicting a black-clad Batwoman throwing a petrol bomb with the words “the future is young.” “Why don’t they focus on making comics and not getting involved in politics?" 

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