, pub-2976543630828564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Batman Parody Hub!: DC COOMICS announces GAY ROBIN! BATMAN is still heterosexual. For now. (CAPS)

Thursday, August 12, 2021

DC COOMICS announces GAY ROBIN! BATMAN is still heterosexual. For now. (CAPS)


It gets a bit tired when EVERYTHING is about sexual orientation, gender and/or race. Most people are actually straight, and, in modern Western society, accept people that are different from them. There are always some people that don't.

The other side of the coin is people of different orientations going to war against the mainstream heterosexuals because they feel constantly threatened by their existence. This is not acceptable and reeks of psychological failings (and bad, limited, life experiences). Life is tough. You will always have to fight to get ahead - against yourself and others. Sometimes you don't fit in. Deal with it. Do not make too many excuses for your current predicament.  

In relation to mainstream superhero comics: stories that do not appeal to the core buying audience result in a loss of sales (to MANGA and Indiegogo/Kickstarter). The SJWs, that are against mainstream society, want to inject everything that sells with a new focus on sex, gender and race politics, while letting good storytelling falter.

Mainstream audiences are simply not interested in gay romance tales or back stories, or radically changed main characters. The activism has gone too far. They should be making their own characters and seeing how that flies. There is a small indie market for that sort of thing. Few people have a problem with that. They do have a problem when it comes to wrecking continuity with long running franchises.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, August 12, 2021.]

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